ITS the Mindful Sewer is a personal blog sharing reviews, recommended products, tips and tricks, and more. Please note, ITS TMS cannot be held responsible or be held liable whatsoever for any damages, losses, injuries, destruction of property, or related events that may occur by following or in connection with one of our posts.
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Any / all of the links on this website are affiliate links of which ITS the Mindful Sewer receives a small commission from sales of certain items, but the price remains the same for you. With that said, all recommendations are my own opinion and I have experience working with all products and companies that I recommend.
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Should you have any questions or comments, you can contact me here.
More about affiliate links…
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Several (but not all) of the links on itsthemindfulsewer.com contain an affiliate links. A special tracking codes are used within the link and should one be clicked, ITS TMS may earn a small commission on the sale of an item. But, only if you purchase said items through one of these links. The price of the item does not change if you purchase through an affiliate link. However, it does help ITS TMS to maintain the cost of this website (and my main website Isn’t that Sew) and create more free content for you!
Again, for simplicity sake, please assume that all links on this website are indeed affiliate links and if clicked I may earn a small commission from that purchase.
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If ITS TMS posts an affiliate link, please know it is something that I have personally experience with, that I use, support and would even recommend without an affiliate link. ITS TMS uses affiliate links to earn a small income to maintain the cost of this website.
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Please note, ITS TMS cannot ensure that any item purchased through an affiliate link will be shipped on time, packaged properly, or that you will even like it. Any questions, problems, or concerns must be addressed to the company said item was purchased from.
All of the information on this website (including, but not limited to; photographs, text, audio, video, and any / all other forms of content is Copyright © Isn’t that Sew, LLC 2012-2018 and may not be reproduced, copied, or republished without express written permission of Isn’t that Sew, LLC.
This Website and all of its content is protected and owned by Ruth Reyes under the copyright laws of the United States and other countries. ITS TMS may change the content of this website or delete any content, images, downloads, courses, or services at any time, in any way, and for any or no reason.